Chestnut Pie
Cod Friday
Grandma Ada's Tagliatelle
Homemade bread
Le ciacciole
Le schiacciate
Leontina's Coal-Covered Cake
Lunches of the Threshing Time
Tagliatelle with Rabbit Sauce
We Didn't Like Boiled Meat
When the Pig Was Slaughtered

We Didn't Like Boiled Meat

Maybe today it wouldn't be so popular, but when we were children, Mamma made it now and then, especially if there was leftover meat that no one wanted to eat anymore how it was. Especially the boiled beef that she'd made broth with. The only one who liked the famous boiled meat was Dad. We kids couldn't stand it. So Mamma came up with a tasty little dish with those pieces of meat, well cleaned of gristle and tendons. She sautéed a little onion in some oil (today you would specify extra virgin olive oil). When the onions were soft, she put them inside the meat. She cooked it over medium heat, seasoning it with salt and pepper. When it was cooked, she added a bowl of beaten eggs with lemon. Then she took the pan immediately off of the burner while stirring it with a fork so the egg became dense without becoming a frittata (a type of omelet). She served it right away, nice and hot. Pellegrino Artusi's famous cookbook La Scienza in Cucina e l'Arte di Mangiar Bene (The Art of Eating Well) offers a much more complicated recipe, but I promise you that the one I've just described, my Mamma's, was truly exquisite.

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