Artichoke Risotto
Baccalà roasted
Beans with a Light Tomato Sauce
Beans with Pork Rinds
Braised Beef with Spinach
Bread and Bean Soup
Bruschetta with Cavolo Nero (Black-Leaf Kale)
Corn Meal and Kale Farinatao
Cream of Leeks
Goose Sauce
Grandma Ada's Rabbit Sauce
Grandma Eugenia's Sauce
Lentil Stew
Meat and Potato Stew
Pigeon Sauce
Pork Blood
Pork Ribs
Ricotta and Macaroon Cake
Salt Cod with Vegetables
Stuffed tomatoes
Thick Tomato Soup
Tuscan Crostini

Goose Sauce


Half a goose, including innards
500 grams (approx. 17.6 ounces) of veal or beef
half onion
2 garlic cloves
1.5 kg of peeled plum tomatoes
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper


Mince the veal or beef with the goose innards and all of the seasonings. Place it all in a pan with six tablespoons of oil and a cup of water. Add the goose cut into pieces. Boil it until the liquid has evaporated, then add a half cup of red wine. Once the wine has evaporated add the peeled plum tomatoes and let it simmer for a few hours. When the goose meat is well cooked, take out the bones, and put the meat in with the sauce. This will make the sauce richer and more flavorful. This is the sauce they used to make during threshing time. After the pasta, usually rigatoni, topped with this sauce was served, we had goose, rabbit and chicken roasted in the wood oven.On the side, we had garden salads with peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.

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